When you join the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, through the Central or South Regions, you become a part of a group of Catholic women throughout the western half of Oklahoma who are empowered to join together to make a difference in our parishes, our state and in our country as well as our world.
We join together to support Rose Day at the Capitol to show our strength as Catholic Women who support Life.
We join together at Catholic Advocacy Day at the Capitol to visit our Legislatures and let them know that we support Catholic Values .
We hold Lenten Retreats with National speakers to help strengthen our spirituality.
We work on joint Service Projects with our Affiliates, such as collections for Women’s Sanctuary, Willow Pregnancy Center, DragonFly Home, Catholic Relief Services through works of Peace and Reconciliation projects– Water for Life, Help a Child, Refugee Women, and the Madonna Plan. There is always a need for service in our local community as well as our national and international community.